General terms and conditions for the Stal den Bisschop site
Stal den Bisschop website is a website accessible via the Internet at www.vdbisschop.be. It is opened to any user of this network. It is edited by Stal den Bisschop, located Sint Bavostraat 8, 9090 Melle, Belgium.
Navigating on this site is subject to the applicable regulations and the terms and conditions of use laid down below.
Consequently, by continuing to consult the site, you indicate your acceptance of these general terms and conditions. The use of the site will be subject to the latest version of the general terms and conditions posted on the site at the time of this use
The purpose of the contents of this site is purely informative and these contents do not under any circumstances constitute a business proposal.
The information and data provided on this site are not intended to substitute for the knowledge and skills of the user.
Stal den Bisschop will take all necessary precautions to maintain the confidentiality of personal data gathered in the context of its website.
Any personal data that you provide through the website is processed in accordance with the law of 8 December 1992 and the General Data Protection Regulation*. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.
The site user is aware of the fact that the Internet is not a perfectly protected medium and that total security in terms of respect for privacy cannot be guaranteed. Consequently, Stal den Bisschop will not under any circumstances be liable for any harm which may be suffered by the site user further to the introduction by the latter of confidential or sensitive information.
Users acknowledge that they have sufficient experience of the use of the Internet and the related electronic communication functions.
Remote services may be interrupted for the purposes of monitoring and maintenance, in the event of overloading and in general in any case of force majeure beyond the control of Stal den Bisschop.
Users of the Stal den Bisschop site are obliged to ensure that their navigating software is compatible with the Stal den Bisschop site.
The liability of Stal den Bisschop, as defined in point 4 below, may in any case only be called into question for events originating exclusively in a system over which Stal den Bisschop has actual control, thereby ruling out all events originating upstream or downstream of the Stal den Bisschop site, in particular access to the Internet network.
Stal den Bisschop undertakes to use all reasonable means at its disposal to enable users to make optimal use of the services on offer. Consequently, Stal den Bisschop only makes a best effort undertaking and not under any circumstances a firm commitment.
Stal den Bisschop only assumes liability for fraud and serious offences on its part.
Stal den Bisschop may not be held liable for the consequences of circumstances beyond its control, such as strikes, lock-outs, wars, bad weather, etc., defects in computing systems or means of communication, or any other event which may constitute a case of absolute necessity.
Users accept full liability for the operations they initiate and their consequences and may not under any circumstances seek to hold Stal den Bisschop liable in this respect. Furthermore, they may not seek to hold Stal den Bisschop liable for any information, details or comments of any sort obtained or emanating from the Stal den Bisschop site.
Stal den Bisschop provides accurate and updated information via this site and therefore reserves the right to modify the contents of the site at any time. However, Stal den Bisschop is not under any circumstances liable for harm which may be caused further to data provided via the site which may be incorrect, not updated or incomplete.
Users of the Stal den Bisschop site undertake not to seek to harm the integrity or functioning of the site.
Stal den Bisschop has no power to check or monitor the creation of links to external sites or the contents of such sites, whether these are commercial sites or not.
The owners of sites consulted from the Stal den Bisschop site bear sole liability in particular for compliance with all the regulations applicable in the context of services provided on line and in particular laws and regulations relating to distance selling, consumer protection, false or misleading advertising, prices, product conformity, etc.
The user therefore accepts that his decision to access another site via a hypertext link is taken at his own risk and peril. Consequently, Stal den Bisschop cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect harm resulting from access to a site linked by a hypertext link.
The contents and presentation of the website ‘https://www.vdbisschop.be’ (HTML or Flash pages, fixed or generated automatically, image files, sounds, videos, trademarks, logos, etc. ) are protected by intellectual rights held by Stal den Bisschop, unless otherwise indicated.
The Stal den Bisschop database is protected by the Code of economic law. Stal den Bisschop, as the database producer, is entitled to forbid the extraction and reuse of a substantial part of the database.
Users undertake to use the information and data available on the Stal den Bisschop site for their personal use only. They undertake not to exploit them in any way, directly or indirectly. They will in particular refrain from any reproduction, adaptation, modification or communication, in any form whatsoever and by any means whatsoever, even free of charge, and any reconstitution on the basis of information and data obtained, of new files, databases and other documents without the express prior and written permission of Stal den Bisschop.
The trademarks and logos to be seen on this website are the property of Stal den Bisschop or its subsidiaries. None of the information on this website is to be interpreted as granting licenses or permission to use trademarks. For this, the express written consent of Stal den Bisschop is required. The unauthorized use of these trademarks is strictly prohibited. Stal den Bisschop will assert its intellectual property rights all over the world subject to the laws applicable in each case.
A page from this site may not be presented in a frame that does not belong to Stal den Bisschop (by means of the so-called ‘framing’ technique) nor may a page belonging to the company be inserted in a page that does not belong to Stal den Bisschop (by means of the so-called ‘on line linking’ technique).
Under no circumstances may Stal den Bisschop be held liable for direct or indirect harm resulting from the use of its site or other sites linked to it.
Stal den Bisschop establishes links only on sites from which it has requested authorisation and is not in any way liable for links established to its site.
These general terms and conditions are governed by Belgian law. The courts of Brussels have sole jurisdiction in the event of a dispute relating to Stal den Bisschop site, its content and use.
*Regulation 2016/679 of the EU Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”).